
Michelle Sharpee (Sr. Behaviorist)

  • Over 30 years experience with training exotic and domestic cats

  • Animal Behavior College; Certified Cat Trainer

  • International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants; Member

  • IAABC; Cat Mentorship graduate with Katenna Jones

  • Certified In Animal CPR

Zoo Atlanta: I started at Zoo Atlanta in the wildlife show working with a pot bellied pig, 2 goats, a barn owl, a harris hawk, a blue and gold macaw, snakes, a blue iguana, a sun conure, and a vulture. I soon learned that each animal had their own unique personality which drove their motivations. The vulture liked to play with pull toys and shoe strings, the hawk liked mice over chicks, and the pig loved a pet on the belly. These preferences were used for behavior modification to obtain the desired effect of the show.


Caribbean Gardens Zoo in Naples: I had the pleasure of working with and around tigers, lions, caracals, servals, leopards, ocelots, and jungle cats. As a senior animal trainer, I was instrumental in working with a team of keepers to train lemurs, binturongs, kinkajoos, and birds for our wildlife encounters and show.

Disney’s Animal Kingdom and Flights of Wonder Bird Show: Worked for and learned from the world famous bird trainer, Steve Martin. There she worked with 144 species of birds and other animals which include but are not limited to eagles, pied crows, Abyssinian ground hornbills, chickens, green winged macaws, grey parrots, galas, rats, hawks, kestrels, falcons, king vultures, and a griffin vulture. Steve increased my knowledge of the main drive behind behavior modification: positive reinforcement. This is the offering of desirable effects or consequences for a behavior with the intention of increasing the chance of that behavior being repeated in the future.

https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/entertainment/animal-kingdom/flights-of-wonder/; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69Exz8ATZs8

UGA: Most recently, I have had the privilege of speaking annually at the University of Georgia School of Veterinary Medicine for Cat Behavior. It has been, and will continue to be, an excellent way to share knowledge of cat behavior with vet students.

My goal is to share my passion for cat training and behavior modification with everyone who already has a cat in the family or is thinking of adding a cat to the family. The idea behind Cloud 9 Feline, LLC is built on the foundation of finding out what the cats need to be happy and healthy and sharing that knowledge. I believe cats should stay in their homes and out of shelters.

Cloud 9 Feline, LLC; saving the world - one cat at a time.